Simple Storage Service
AWS service for storing “objects”
S3 stores Objects in the Region you specify
An S3 Object is made up of two parts:
- File
- Metadata
Any file type can be stored in S3
The maximum object size in S3 is 5 terabytes
Objects are collected in a structure called a “Bucket”
Bucket names need to be unique across all of S3
Objects are refered to by a “key”
S3 Object Key Example
Filename = image.png
Folder Name = images
Object Key = images/image.png
S3 Access with Permissions
By default, buckets and objects in a bucket are only accessable by the account that created them.
There are permissions setting that will allow for the changing of access to buckets and objects
S3 Access with IAM Roles
We can use IAM roles to specify access to buckets and object
Uploading to S3
- Web Console : Adhoc or Small Number of File Uploading
- CLI : Recursive Directory Uploading
- SDK : Dynamic in Code Uploading
Web Console
Create bucket and upload object
use policy creator to set bucket policy
replace this with some screenshots of get this done
aws s3 cp <local_folder> s3://<bucket>/<remote_folder> --recursive --exclude "<pattern>"
upload some file and view through console
SDK (Python)
The BOTO3 python library gives access to AWS services. This is how to access S3 and other services.
A low-level client representing Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3):
import boto3
client = boto3.client('s3')
client.put_object(Bucket = self.bucket_name,
Body = file_bytes,
Key = file_name,
ACL = 'public-read')