Intro to Maven
What we’ll cover
About Maven
Maven Build Process
Maven Objectives
- Making the build process easy
- Providing a uniform build system
- Providing quality project information
- Providing guidelines for best practices development
- Allowing transparent migration to new features
What Does Maven Do?
- Handles multiple jars
- Handles dependencies and versions
- Project Structure
- Build, Publish, Deploy, Report, Documentation
An archetype is defined as an original pattern or model from which all other things of the same kind are made.
maven achetypes
- Archetype
- Group ID
- Artifact ID
- Version
- Package
The pom.xml file
(Project Object Model)
- Project details
- Project properties
- Project dependencies
- Project build profiles
#Maven Build Process
- validate
- compile
- test
- package
- integration-test
- verify
- install
- deploy
#Adding a Dependency
Adding a dependency through IntelliJ IDEA
Adding a dependency through