Input/Output streams, readers, writers
Input/output streams
- Input streams – A source to read bytes
- Output streams – A destination to write bytes
I/O Streams come from multiple sources
- Come from multiple sources (eg: files, network, memory )
- Not related to the collection Streams API
I/O Streams vs Readers and writers
- I/O Streams consume and produce (read and write) bytes
- Readers and Writers consume and produce character sequences
Creating Input Streams
There are several ways to create an input stream:
(opens a file for reading using the java.nio.file package)new URL(urlstring).openStream()
(creates a stream from a URL to read data from a network or web)new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray)
(creates a stream from a byte array for in-memory data)
Exercise: read HTML from a URL and extract the comments. Expand by finding content such as script/noscript/meta tags
Creating Output Streams
There are several ways to create an output stream:
(opens a file for writing using the java.nio.file package)URLConnection.getOutputStream()
(allows sending data over a network connection)new ByteArrayOutputStream()
(writes data to memory)- can be converted to
after writing
- can be converted to
Know your encoding
Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16) are common. Many methods have optional encoding and default to system encoding.
UTF-16 files start with a Byte-Order-Mark (BOM
) to indicate if they are
big-endian or little-endian (two ways of structuring bytes in a file)
Paths, Files, Directories
Filesystem Utility Classes
A Path object represents a hierarchical path on the storage system to a file or directory. In NIO.2, Path is a direct replacement for the legacy class, therefore contains many of the same properties.
- Path objects represent a route to a file, whether it exists or not.
- Use them to access, create, modify, or delete files and directories.
Since Path is an interface, we use the Factory class Paths obtain it.
Creating Paths: relative or absolute paths
Path path1 = Paths.get("someplace/somepic.jpg");
Path path2 = Paths.get("c:\\someplace\\ThisStuff\\myrecords.csv");
Path path3 = Paths.get("/users/somdir");
Creating Paths: relative or absolute paths
Path path1 = Paths.get("someplace","somepic.jpg");
Path path2 = Paths.get("c:","someplace","ThisStuff","myrecords.csv");
Path userDir = Paths.get("/", "users", "username");
Path javaFile = Paths.get("labs", "lab1", "src", "main", "java", "");
Path roundabout = Paths.get("home", ".", "labs", "..", "documents", "..", ".", "Downloads");
Path: Accessing the FileSystem Object
The Path.getPath() method comes from FileSystem’s method getPath(). Since FileSystem class has a protected constructor, the factory class FileSystems is used to obtain an instance of FileSystem:
Path path1 = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("someplace/somepic.jpg");
Path path2 = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("c:","someplace","ThisStuff","myrecords.csv");
Path path3 = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/users/somdir");
Path: Accessing the FileSystem Object
You can construct Path objects for remote file systems:
FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystems.getFileSystem( new URI(""));
Path path = fileSystem.getPath("bunnies.csv");
also, the file can be retrieved from the path:
File file = path.toFile();
Path object is not a file, it’s a representation of a location within the file system. Therefore, most operations available in the Path and Paths classes can be accomplished whether or not referenced file exists. (Hence, the exceptions)
Resolving or normalizing Paths
resolves to/users/username/labs/lab1/src/main/java/
returnsPaths.get("home", "Downloads")
Directory operations
– likemkdir path
– likemkdir -p path
File operations
Files.copy(fromPath, toPath, options...)
Files.move(fromPath, toPath, options...)
File operation options
Files.move(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING);
File operation options
Enum Value | Usage |
NOFOLLOW_LINKS | -Test file existing -Read file data -Copy file -Move file |
FOLLOW_LINKS | Traverse a directory treeCopy file |
ATOMIC_MOVE | Move file |
Viewing directory contents
List contents of path
with Files.list(path)
List contents of path
and its subdirectories with Files.walk(path)
Both methods return a Stream<Path>
of the entries found (Uses a depth-first
traversal order)
Zip File Systems
ZIP files are just self-contained filesystems. Access them with the
and FileSystem
Read paths from a ZIP file
FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(Paths.get(zipname), null);
Stream<Path> entries = Files.walk(fs.getPath("/"));
Note: second argument is an optional classloader for locating providers
Writing to ZIP archives
Path zipPath = Paths.get("");
URI uri = new URI("jar", zipPath.toUri().toString(), null);
Map<String, String> env = Collections.singletonMap("create", "true");
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env);){
Files.copy(fromPath, fs.getPath("/").resolve(toPath));
URL Connections
Get a URLConnection
Call openConnection
on a URL
object eg:
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
Set request properties
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", "UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, SMOKE-SIGNAL")
Sending data to a URLConnection
Call connection.setDoOutput(true)
and then write to connection.getOutputStream()
- URLConnection class automatically sets
content type. - name/value pairs in urls must be manually encoded using
- Serialization is a mechanism of converting the state of an object into a byte stream.
- Deserialization is the reverse process where the byte stream is used to recreate the actual Java object in memory.
- This mechanism is used to persist the object.
- Classes must implement
to be serialized - Serialization is safe if all instance variables are primitives, enums, or other Serializable objects
- Collections are Serializable if their elements are.
Note: Shared references to a serialized object must match after deserialization
transient modifier
- marks instance variables that shouldn’t be serialized
- Usually used on derived values or non-
transient example
public class Student implements Serializable{
private List<TestScore> testScores;
// calculated from testScores
private transient GradeStats gradeStats;
public GradeStats getStats(){
if(gradeStats == null){
gradeStats = new GradeStats(testScores);
return GradeStats;
Customizing serialization behavior
- Override default serialization behavior with:
readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
andwriteObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
- prevents automatic serialization of instance variables.
- No need to manage superclass instance variables, only
Full Signatures
general interface for serialization
// from
public final void writeObject(Object obj)
throws IOException
// from
public final Object readObject()
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
and writeReplace()
- very rare, but allows you to serialize a proxy object (returned by
) instead of the actual object - (for highly controlled initialization – constructors are not normally called during deserialization).
- Proxy object must construct and return the desired original object in the
method. - Useful for database-managed objects and was used for singletons prior to