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String Formatting and Regular Expressions


What we’ll cover

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Formatting Strings


Built-in Formatting Utilities


Formatting: String Formatting


Format specifiers


Formatting: String Formatting
Example 1

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "Hey! [ %s ] is my name!";
  String arg1 = "John";
  String outputString = String.format(formattedString, arg1);


Hey! [ John ] is my name!


Formatting: String Formatting
Example 2

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "I am %d years old.";
  Integer arg1 = 25;
  String outputString = String.format(formattedString, arg1);


I am 25 years old.


Formatting: String Formatting

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "I've finished %.5f percent of homework";
  Double arg1 = 79.87654321;
  String outputString = String.format(formattedString, arg1);


I've finished 79.87654 percent of homework


Formatting: String Formatting

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "I've finished %.3f percent of homework";
  Double arg1 = 79.87654321;
  String outputString = String.format(formattedString, arg1);


I've finished 79.876 percent of homework


Formatting: String Formatting

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "I've finished %.2f percent of homework";
  Double arg1 = 79.87654321;
  String outputString = String.format(formattedString, arg1);


I've finished 79.87 percent of homework


Formatting: String Formatting

public void demo() {
  Integer precision1 = 4;
  Integer precision2 = 5;
  Double valueToFormat = 79.87654321;
  String output1 = getHomeworkDetails(precision1, valueToFormat);
  String output2 = getHomeworkDetails(precision2, valueToFormat);
public String getHomeworkDetails(Integer decimalPrecision, Double valueToFormat) {
  String formattedString = new StringBuilder("I've finished %.")
    .append("f percent of homework")
  return String.format(formattedString, valueToFormat);


I've finished 79.8765 percent of homework
I've finished 79.87654 percent of homework


Formatting: String Formatting

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "My first initial is %c.";
  Character arg1 = 'J';
  String outputString = String.format(formattedString, arg1);


My first initial is J.


Formatting: String Formatting

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "Hey! My name is %s. I am %d years old.";
  String arg1 = "John";
  Integer arg2 = 25;
  String outputString = String.format(formattedString, arg1, arg2);


Hey! My name is John. I am 25 years old.


Formatting: System OutputStream


Formatting: System OutputStream
Example 1

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "Hey! [ %s ] is my name!";
  String arg1 = "John";
  System.out.format(formattedString, arg1);


Hey! [ John ] is my name!


Formatting: System OutputStream
Example 2

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "I am %d years old.";
  Integer arg1 = 25;
  System.out.format(formattedString, arg1);


I am 25 years old.


Formatting: System OutputStream
Example 3

public void demo() {
  String formattedString = "Hey! My name is %s. I am %d years old.";
  String arg1 = "John";
  Integer arg2 = 25;
  System.out.format(formattedString, arg1, arg2);


Hey! My name is John. I am 25 years old.


Formatting: Formatter Class


Formatting: Formatter
Example 1

public void demo() {
  String fileName = "MyFile.txt";
  String formattedString = "Hi, my name is %s!";
  String arg1 = "John";

  FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
  Formatter formatter = new Formatter(outputStream);
  formatter.format(formattedString, arg1);

Output: MyFile.txt content

Hi, my name is John!


Formatting: Formatter
Example 2

public void demo() {
  String fileName = "MyFile.txt";
  String formattedString = "Hi, my age is %d!";
  Integer arg1 = 25;

  FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
  Formatter formatter = new Formatter(outputStream);
  formatter.format(formattedString, arg1);

Output: MyFile.txt content

Hi, my age is 25!


Formatting: Formatter
Example 3

public void demo() {
  String fileName = "MyFile.txt";
  String formattedString = "Hi, my age is %.1f!";
  Double arg1 = 25.2;

  FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
  Formatter formatter = new Formatter(outputStream);
  formatter.format(formattedString, arg1);

Output: MyFile.txt content

Hi, my age is 25.2!


##Reminder re: FileOutputStream When using FileOutputStream, you will need to either add a FileNotFoundException or use a try/catch block


Regular expressions


Character classes

| Expression | Description | |—————————————|————————————————| | . | any character except newline | \w, \d, \s | word / digit / whitespace | \W, \D, \S | not word / not digit / not whitespace | [abc] | any of a, b, or c | [^abc] | not a, not b, not c | [a-g] | character between a and g


Using Character Classes

public void demo() {
    String text = "The Quick Brown Fox";
    String patternString = ".";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
    for (int i = 0; matcher.find(); i++) {
        System.out.println(new StringBuilder()
                .append("\nValue = " +
                .append("\nMatch Number = " + i)
                .append("\nStarting index = " + matcher.start())
                .append("\nEnding index = " + matcher.end())



Using Character Classes

Value = T
Match Number = 0
Starting index = 0
Ending index = 1

Value = h
Match Number = 1
Starting index = 1
Ending index = 2

Value = e
Match Number = 2
Starting index = 2
Ending index = 3



| Expression | Description | |—————————————|————————————————| | ^abc$ | start / end of the string | \b, \B | word, digit, whitespace


Using Anchors

public void demo() {
    String text = "The Quick Brown";
    String patternString = "^The";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
    for (int i = 0; matcher.find(); i++) {
        System.out.println(new StringBuilder()
                .append("\nValue = " +
                .append("\nMatch Number = " + i)
                .append("\nStarting index = " + matcher.start())
                .append("\nEnding index = " + matcher.end())


Using Anchors

Value = The
Match Number = 0
Starting index = 0
Ending index = 3


Using Anchors

public void demo() {
    String text = "The Quick Brown";
    String patternString = "^Brown";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
    for (int i = 0; matcher.find(); i++) {
        System.out.println(new StringBuilder()
                .append("\nValue = " +
                .append("\nMatch Number = " + i)
                .append("\nStarting index = " + matcher.start())
                .append("\nEnding index = " + matcher.end())


Using Anchors


Escaped characters

| Expression | Description | |—————————————|————————————————| | (abc) | capture group | \1 | backreference to group #1 | (?:abc) | non-capturing group | (?=abc) | positive lookahead | (?!abc) | negative lookahead


Using Escaped Characters

public void demo() {
    String text = "The Quick Brown";
    String patternString = "(Brown)";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
    for (int i = 0; matcher.find(); i++) {
        System.out.println(new StringBuilder()
                .append("\nValue = " +
                .append("\nMatch Number = " + i)
                .append("\nStarting index = " + matcher.start())
                .append("\nEnding index = " + matcher.end())


Using Escaped Characters

Value = Brown
Match Number = 0
Starting index = 10
Ending index = 15


Quantifies and Alternation

| Expression | Description | |—————————————|————————————————| | a*, a+, a? | 0 or more, 1 or more, 0 or 1 | a{5}, a{2, } | exactly five, two or more | a{1,3} | between one & three | a+? a{2,}? | match as few as possible


Using Quantifies and Alternation

public void demo() {
    String text = "The Quick Brown";
    String patternString = "\\w+";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
    for (int i = 0; matcher.find(); i++) {
        System.out.println(new StringBuilder()
                .append("\nValue = " +
                .append("\nMatch Number = " + i)
                .append("\nStarting index = " + matcher.start())
                .append("\nEnding index = " + matcher.end())


Using Quantifies and Alternation

Value = The
Match Number = 0
Starting index = 0
Ending index = 3

Value = Quick
Match Number = 1
Starting index = 4
Ending index = 9

Value = Brown
Match Number = 2
Starting index = 10
Ending index = 15


More about regex symbols


More regex examples


Site for testing regex
