Introduction to JDBC
What We’ll Cover:
- What is the JDBC?
- Architecture of JDBC
- Role of Driver Manager
- Understanding JDBC Driver Types
- Introduce JDBC
- Connect to SQL Database
- Perform CRUD operations
JDBC: Introduction
JDBC is an API for the Java programming language that defines how a client may access a Database.
Part of Java SE, found in java.sql and javax.sql packages
Architecture of JDBC
- JDBC API - Application to JDBC Manager Connection
- JDBC Driver API - JDBC Manager to Driver Connection
Driver Manager
The basic service for managing a set of jdbc drivers
JDBC Driver Types
A JDBC driver is a set of Java classes that implement the JDBC interfaces, targeting a specific Database
- The JDBC interfaces comes with standard Java
- Implementation of these interfaces is specific to the Database
Types of Drivers
- Type 1 : JDBC-ODBC bridge
- Type 2 : Native-API driver
- Type 3 : Network-Protocol driver (Middleware driver)
- Type 4 : Database-Protocol driver (Pure Java driver)
Type 1 : JDBC-ODBC bridge
- It is very easy to use
- Almost any database is supported
- Performance will not be efficient
- ODBC Driver needs to be installed
- Type 1 drivers are not portable
- Not suitable for Applets
Type 2 : Native-API driver
- Faster than Type 1 Driver
- Client Side library is not available for all databases
- Vendor Client Library needs to be installed
- It is a Platform Dependent
- Not Thread Safe</a>
#### Type 3 : Network-Protocol driver (Middleware driver)
- No additional library installation is required on client system
- No changes are required at client for any DB
- Supports Caching of Connection, Query Results, Load Balancing Logging and Auditing etc.
- A Single Driver can handle any database provided the middleware supports it
- Performance will be slow
- Requires Database-specific coding
- Maintenance of Network Protocol driver becomes costly
#### Type 4 : Database-Protocol driver (Pure Java driver)
- Platform Independent
- No intermediate format is required
- Application connects directly to the database server
- Performance will be very fast
- JVM manages all aspects
- Drivers are database dependent
#### Overview : Recommendations:
* If you are accessing **one type** of database, such as Oracle, SQL Server, MYSQL etc., then the preferred driver is **Type 4**
* If your Java application is accessing **multiple types** of databases at the same time, **Type 3** is the preferred driver.
* **Type 2** drivers are useful in situations where a Type 3 or Type 4 driver is not available yet for your database
* The **Type 1** driver is not considered a deployment-level driver, and it is typically used for **development and testing purposes only**
## Connecting to a MYSQL Database
First, we must get the mysql connecter for java. This can be done using the pom.xml file.
The DriverManager object will need 3 pieces of information to create a connection to a database:
static String username = "user name here";
static String password = "user password here";
static String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/someDb";
Calling the _.getConnection()_ method with the previous variables as arguments will hopefully return a Connection object that references the connection to the database:
Connection conn = null;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, username, password);
System.out.println("Connection Established to MYSQL Database");
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
### Exception Handling
JDBC methods throw `SQLException`
`SQLException` extended from the `Exception` class
* getMessage()
* getLocalizedMessage()
* getErrorCode()
* getSQLState()
* getNextException()
* setNextException()
* iterator()
#### Summary
* Connecting to MYSQL Database using JDBC
* Managing Database resources
* Handling JDBC Exceptions
## CRUD using JDBC
* Executing Static SQL statements
* Understanding ResultSet
* Scrollable ResultSet
* Updateable ResultSet
* Understanding Prepared Statements
* Retrieve (Select)
* Insert (Create)
* Update
* Remove (Delete)
### Static SQL statement
Two Interfaces for executing static SQL statements:
* Statement
* ResultSet
#### Statement Interface
used for executing a static SQL Statement
* ResultSet executeQuery(String SQL)
* int executeUpdate(String SQL)
* boolean execute(String SQL) _*advanced usage only_
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(mySqlCS, mySqlUser, mySqlPwd);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
### Steps for Development Process
1. Establish Connection to a Database
2. Create Statement Object
3. Execute SQL Query
4. Process the ResultSet
#### ResultSet Interface
A ResultSet is a multidimensional array that is returned by a database statement
java.sql.ResultSet interface represents the result set of a database query
#### ResultSet Interface
When the ResultSet is first returned, the starting cursor position is before the first row of data
#### ResultSet Interface
Connection conn DriverManager.getConnection(mySqlCS, mySqlUser, mySqlPwd);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from player");
#### ResultSet Interface Methods
Methods of the ResultSet can be divided into 3 categories
1. Navigational Methods
2. Get Methods
3. Update Methods
#### Navigational Methods
* beforeFirst()
* afterLast()
* first()
* last()
* absolute(n) _* n is a specific result index_
* relative(n) _* n is the direction to move from current index_
* previous()
* next()
* getRow()
#### Get Methods
* get method for each data type
* .getInt(), .getString(), etc.
* Each get method has two versions
1. One that takes a column name
2. One that takes in a column index
#### Scrollable ResultSets
__ResultSet Types__
__ResultSet Concurrency Type__
* Concur_ Read_Only
* Concur_Updatable
#### Update Methods
Updatable ResultSet allows modification to data in a table through the ResultSet
* Each Update method has two versions
1. One that takes in a column name
2. One that takes in a column index
To update a String Column of the current row
* public void updateString(int columnIndex, String s)
* public void updateString(String columnName, String s)
_All update methods throw SQLException_
Making these changes only changes the data in the ResultSet Object not the underlying Database.
The following will make changes to the actual database:
* updateRow()
* deleteRow()
* refreshRow()
* cancelRowUpdates()
* insertRow()
### Prepared statements
- What is a`PreparedStatement`?
- How to create a `PreparedStatement`
- Setting Parameters of a `PreparedStatement`
- Executing a `PreparedStatement`
- Reusing a `PreparedStatement`
`PreparedStatement` is a subclass of `Statement`
PreparedStatement: __Benefits__
* Improves performance of an application
* Easy to set SQL parameter values
* Prevents **SQL Injection** Attacks
###PreparedStatement: example
Say you have the following query:
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary < 10000 AND department_id = 50;
It can be re-written using place-holders for the values:
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary < {some value}
AND department_id = {some value};
to become:
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary < ? AND department_id = ?;
###PreparedStatement: example (continued)
To use SQL statements that takes variable value, a `?` is used as a parameter place holder. Now, we can use the same statement with different values each time we execute it:
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary < ? AND department_id = ?");
###PreparedStatement: example (continued)
To bind the values of the parameters, use:
`setXxx()` - where `Xxx` is the data type of the value,
__for example:__
* `setInt(P1,P2)`
* `setString(P1, P2)`
* `setDouble(P1, P2)`
_note: P1 = Position (1 based), P2 = Value_
Examples of setting the values to a prepared statement
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary < ? AND department_id = ?");
pstmt.setDouble(1, 1000)
pstmt.setInt(2, 50)
#### Process to execute a PreparedStatement
1. Establish a Connection with the Database
2. Prepare the Statement using Parameter placeholder(?)
3. Set the values for Parameters
4. Execute the Statement
#### Inserting Data
General Example SQL Insert statement
INSERT INTO TableName VALUES(value1, value2, ...);
Practical Example of SQL Insert statement
435, momo,,'2019-03-22', 50000);
Example of Prepared Statement
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("
INSERT INTO NewEmployees
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
#### Update Data
Example Prepared Statement SQL
UPDATE Employees SET salary = ? WHERE Employee_Id = ?
#### Removing Data
Example Prepared Statement SQL
DELETE FROM Employees WHERE Employee_Id = ?
### Prepared Statement Summary
* Statement
* ResultSet
* Scrollable ResultSet & Updatable ResultSet
* PreparedStatement
* CRUD operations using prepared statements
## Data Access Object(DAO) Pattern
* Provides abstraction between JDBC and the rest of the code
* Can be just abstraction or a true object
* Most use data transfer objects(DTOs) with data access objects(DAOs)/abstract
* Provides a clear separation of concerns in code
### DTO
* Data Transfer Object
* Provides single-domain data
* Should fully encapsulate object and/or contain subobjects
* Should be output and input of a single DAO
### DAO
* Usually leverages a common interface
* Concrete implementation reacts on a single-data domain
* Can and usually supports multiple tables
* Encapsulation of complex joins and aggregations
### DAO Factory
* Often used with DAOs
* Provides ability to leverage common paths for basic CRUD operations
* Loses value when you have a bunch of custom methods
* Object-oriented programming (OOP) pure
### Repository Pattern
* Single-table access per class
* Instead of joining in the database, you'll join in code
* Repository pattern allows sharding of database
* You can store one piece of data in a separate database to facilitate distribution