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Java Persistance API (JPA)




What is Persistence


Manipulating Persisted Data Without JPA


Java DataBase Connectivity


What’s wrong with JDBC?


Manipulating Persisted Data With JPA


Advantages of JPA




Understanding JPA


What is a Database?


What is a Relational Database?


What is Object Oriented Programming?


What is Object Relational Mapping?


What is Java Persistence API?


What isn’t Java Persistence API


A Brief of History of JPA


JPA Specification


JPA Implementations


JPA Packages

Package Description
javax.persistence Core API
javax.persistencecriteria Criteria API
javax.persistence.metamodel Metamodel API
javax.persistence.spi SPI for JPA providers


Where can we use JPA?


A JPA Entity

public class Book {
	private Long id;
	private String title;
	Private String description;
	private Float unitCost;
	private String isbn;
	// Constructors, getters & setters


Mapping Metadata

TODO: need some text for below

public class Book {
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	private Long id;
	@Column(name = "book_title", nullable = false)
	private String title;
	@Column(length = 2000)
	private String description;
	private Float unitCost;
	private String isbn;
	// Constructors, getters & setters


CRUD Operations

An EntityManagerFactory instance is obtained by using a static factory method of the JPA bootstrap class, Persistence.

The EntityManagerFactory instance, when constructed, opens the database. If the database does not yet exist, a new database file is created.


CRUD Operations(continued)

The createEntityManagerFactory method takes as an argument a name of a persistence unit.

An EntityManager instance may represent either a remote connection to a remote database server (in client-server mode) or a local connection to a local database file (in embedded mode). The functionality in both cases is the same.


public class Main{
	public static void main(String ...args){
		static EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("myPU");
		static EnitityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
		public static void main(String ...args){
			Book book = new Book(4044L, "H2G2", "Scifi Book", 12.5f, "1234-5678-5678, 247);
			book = em.find(Book.class, 4044L);
			TypedQuery<Book> query = em.createQuery("Select b From Book b order by b.title", Book.class);




Managing Elementery Entities with JPA


Managing Entities