Java Persistance API (JPA)
- Introduction
- Understanding Java Persistence API
- Managing Elementary Entities with JPA
- What is persistence?
- How do we usually persist data?
- What’s wrong with the way we do?
- How can Java Persistence API help?
What is Persistence
- Data
- Storage
- Central Point
- Manipulating data
- Relation databases
Manipulating Persisted Data Without JPA
- Objects
- Relational databases
- Object-relational mapping
- Rely on external frameworks
Java DataBase Connectivity
- Java-based data access technolory
- Methods for querying and updating data
- Part of JDK 1.1 on 1997
- JDBC 4.1 is part of JDK 1.7
- Robust
- Low level and verbose
What’s wrong with JDBC?
- SQL is not Java
- JDBC is a low level API
- SQL is not easy to refactor
- JDBC is verbose
- Hard to read
- Hard to maintain
Manipulating Persisted Data With JPA
- Java Persistence API
- Standard
- Object-relational mapping
- Meta-data mapping
- Removes boiler plate code
- (C)reate, (R)ead, (U)pdate, (D)elete
- Object-oriented query language
Advantages of JPA
- No manual mapping
- No SQL statements
- Interaction through EntityManager interface
- Non intrusive
- Lightweight
- Elegant API
- Powerful
- Data is crucial
- We need to stare data
- We need to manipulate data
- Level of abstraction
- Object Relational Mapping
- Simplicity
- Powerful
Understanding JPA
- What is a relational database:
- What is an ORM tool?
- What is Java Persistence API?
- What is’s not?
- JPA mapping annotations
- API to CRUD and query objects
What is a Database?
- Organized collection of data
- Model our business requirements
- Process information
- Files
- Schema-less
- Relational databases
What is a Relational Database?
- Collection of tables
- Row
- Columns
- Relationships
- Identity through primary keys
What is Object Oriented Programming?
- Objects
- Classes
- Inheritance
- Reference to other classes
- Abstract classes, interfaces, enumerations…
- Encapsulate state and behavior
What is Object Relational Mapping?
- Bring relational databases and objects together
- Objects have transient state
- Only available when the JVM is running
- Some objects need to be persisted
- Relational databases store state
- Mapping between objects and tables
- Java Persistence API
What is Java Persistence API?
- Abstraction above JDBC
- ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
- Entity Manager
- (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate (D)elete operations
- Java Persistence Query Language
- Transactions
- Life cycle
What isn’t Java Persistence API
- Schema-less databases
- JSon
A Brief of History of JPA
- ORM solutions have been around for a long time
- Commercial products
- Hibernate in open source
- Successful but not standardized
- JPA 1.0 in 2006 (Java EE 5)
- JPA 2.0 2009 (Java EE 6)
- JPA 2.1 in 2013 (Java EE7)
JPA Specification
- Specification
- JSR 338
JPA Implementations
- Runtime provider
- Implement the JSR 338
- EclipseLink
- Hibernate
- Open JPA
JPA Packages
Package | Description |
javax.persistence | Core API |
javax.persistencecriteria | Criteria API |
javax.persistence.metamodel | Metamodel API |
javax.persistence.spi | SPI for JPA providers |
Where can we use JPA?
- Java SE
- Java EE
A JPA Entity
public class Book {
private Long id;
private String title;
Private String description;
private Float unitCost;
private String isbn;
// Constructors, getters & setters
Mapping Metadata
TODO: need some text for below
public class Book {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
@Column(name = "book_title", nullable = false)
private String title;
@Column(length = 2000)
private String description;
private Float unitCost;
private String isbn;
// Constructors, getters & setters
CRUD Operations
An EntityManagerFactory instance is obtained by using a static factory method of the JPA bootstrap class, Persistence.
The EntityManagerFactory instance, when constructed, opens the database. If the database does not yet exist, a new database file is created.
CRUD Operations(continued)
The createEntityManagerFactory method takes as an argument a name of a persistence unit.
An EntityManager instance may represent either a remote connection to a remote database server (in client-server mode) or a local connection to a local database file (in embedded mode). The functionality in both cases is the same.
public class Main{
public static void main(String ...args){
static EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("myPU");
static EnitityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
public static void main(String ...args){
Book book = new Book(4044L, "H2G2", "Scifi Book", 12.5f, "1234-5678-5678, 247);
book = em.find(Book.class, 4044L);
TypedQuery<Book> query = em.createQuery("Select b From Book b order by b.title", Book.class);
- What is a relational database
- What is Java Persistence API
- How to develop an entity
- How to manipulate an entity with EntityManager
Managing Elementery Entities with JPA
- Managing entities
- Persistence unit
- Mapping entities
- Annotations
- Unit testing
Managing Entities
- Entity manager
- EntityManagerFactory in Java SE
- Injected in JavaEE and Spring
- Persistence context
- Persistence unit