Intro to Docker
Unit 5: Docker Swarm
Unit 5 - Docker Swarm: Overview
How to we easily deploy and maintain our numerous containers across many servers, instances etc. ● How do we automate container lifecycle? ● How do we easily scale out/in/up/down? ● How can we ensure our containers are re-created if they fail? ● How can we replace containers without downtime (blue/green deploy)? ● How can we create cross-node virtual networks? ● How can we ensure only trustes servers run our containers? ● How can we store secrets, keys, passwords and get them to the right container (and only that container)?
Swarm Mode: building Orchestration
● Swarm Mode is a clustering solution built inside Docker ● Not enabled by default, new commands once enabled (prevents interference in case other orchestration is being used, etc) ○ docker swarm ○ docker node ○ docker service ○ docker stack ○ docker secret
Swarm Mode: building Orchestration
Swarm Mode: building Orchestration
Swarm Mode: building Orchestration
Swarm Mode: building Orchestration
Unit 5 - Docker Swarm: Agenda
● Managing Containers ● Scaling services ● Creating a N-Node cluster in swarm ● Creating and managing Environment Variables ○ Secrets
Container Orchestration
Overlay Networking
● Just choose –driver overlay when creating network ● Fore container-to-container traffic inside a single Swarm instance ● Optional IPSec (AES) Encryption on network creation ● Each service can be connected to multiple networks ○ (eg front-end, back-end, etc)
Routing Mesh
Routs ingress (incoming) packets for a Service to proper Task Spans all nodes in Swarm Uses
Swarm Stacks
Secrets and Swarm
Secrets in Swarm Services
Secrets for Swarm Stacks
Secrets and Docker Compose
App Lifecycle
Service Updates