Shell, etc.
What we’ll cover
Your Shell Terminal
Useful commands for navigating and manipulating your file system
Useful Commands
**w** - Who's logged on?
**pwd** - "Print Working Directory" prints out your current location (known as your current working directory or 'cwd')
**ls** - lists contents of the cwd.
- use **-la** to view more detail: ``` $ ls -la ```
. and ..
Use .. to view the directory above the current working directory. You can use multiple instances of .. to go up multiple levels, i.e. ../../
$ ls ../
Use . to indicate the current directory.
$ ls .
Use * as a wild card that can be placed at either end of a string, ie:
$ ls *.txt
$ ls *.*
$ ls ../mammals/cat.*
Useful Commands (contin.)
**cd** - change directory. This is how you move around the file system. You can specify the destination as an absolute or relative path.
**echo** - prints text to the terminal
**cat** - concatenates zero or more files. Often used to print the contents of a file to the terminal. Often misused
Useful Commands (contin.)
**less/more** - display contents of a file one page at a time
**grep** - search for the specified text or pattern
**touch** - create or open a file and save it without changing its contents.
**mkdir** - make a directory
**rmdir** - remove directory
**rm** - remove file or directory
**cp** - copy file or directory
**mv** - move file or directory
Other commands worth knowing
**clear** - clear the terminal's display
**[control]-c** - get a new terminal prompt
**[control]-l** - clear screen
**head** - display the first lines of a file
**tail** - display the last lines of a file
Other commands worth knowing (continued)
**more grep:**
``grep "^foo.#bar$" file.txt | grep -v "baz"`` (same search as grep, but filter out the lines containing "baz")
if you literally want to search for the string, and not the regex, use fgrep (or grep -F) ``fgrep "foobar" file.txt``
Other commands worth knowing (continued)
If a command has an output to the terminal, you can always send the out put of the command to a destination, such as a file. (The output of a cat command, for example.)
$ cat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt
$ echo "This is a line of content" > testfile1.txt
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